Support us!

Collegium Musicale


Support us!

Help Collegium Musicale to the World’s top PRO league!

By supporting Collegium Musicale, you are contributing to our dreams. You help us rise to new heights.
You help to preserve Estonian culture and introduce the works of Estonian composers both in Estonia and in the world.
Invest in a wonderful choir whose future is full of inspiration and emotion!

Thank you for your support. To date, we have received donations amounting to:

3,310.00  EUR

Thank You!


The artistic ambitions of Collegium Musicale require investments that cannot be made with the support of the Estonian state.

Thanks to your support, our high-level future plans are possible. Support will help us conquer the world and let Estonian composers music sound in every corner of the world!

We are pleased to offer you a variety of options to support Collegium Musicale:

  • Join a Friends Club
  • Become a patron and support us with additional donations
  • Become a Business Partner

Collegium Musicale is:
Innovative – open to new ideas, solutions and opportunities. World-class choir with start-up thinking.
High quality – high performance. Sounds good!
Responsible – cares about Estonian culture and its survival. As an ambassador of Estonian music, it commission and perform works by Estonian composers. It is engaged in the development of the descendants of Estonian singers and conductors.
Active – gives an average of 40 concerts a year, in Estonia and abroad; participates in various activities, contributes to issues concerning society
Caring – our singers are our treasure! We value everyone who selflessly contributes to the development of Estonian culture in the CM line.

You will join us in supporting Collegium Musicale by helping to bring choral music to a worldwide audience, both at concerts and through recording / recording.